The Gifts my Father Gave to Me
Editor’s Note: Last December, Angel Bentley posted a series of video messages encouraging women to seek God first over the craze and commercialism of the Christmas holiday. Her video series titled “The 12 Days of Christmas” featured a simple, yet profound message regarding the true gifts of Christmas through Jesus Christ. Below is her story of the courage and commitment it took to publicly share her testimony with the Facebook community. You can find the videos here.
God had been urging me for a while to post videos that would share my story and shine light on all He has done for me. Every time God does something in my life (heals my broken heart, encourages me to forgive when it’s hard, gives me strength when I’m weak) He also reminds me that His power is available to anyone who wants it - it’s not just for me.
With that in mind, I filmed twelve video messages in the days leading up to Christmas encouraging other people with His love. Each time before I hit the social media “share” button I battled insecurity. When I would muster up the courage to complete a video, a lie of self doubt would creep into my heart saying, “You’re wrong, and you may push someone further away from God.”
With the support and encouragement of friends and my husband, I finally made my mind up to post 12 completely imperfect videos encouraging people that God’s goodness exists and is available for anyone who wants it. I let the viewers know right from the start I wasn’t aiming for perfection; and that honesty somehow gave me peace. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders where I could openly share of God’s great love and His work in my own life.
During those 12 days posting the imperfect videos, I received much positive feedback and felt as though God gave me little doses of His love and encouragement.
Even though I had one negative response from someone whose perspective didn’t align with mine, we were able to have some discussion on the topic and give me insight into a different point-of-vew. It also reminded me of the importance to listen and respond in a gentle and loving way.
My initial goal was to encourage just one person who felt unworthy of His love. From the amount of positive responses, God used my little bit of courage to reach many. His plan was much bigger than mine.
Ultimately, it’s not our job to change the hearts and minds of people. It’s our job to live out God’s love and walk in His truth. We’re to be obedient in sharing our stories of His grace, love, and forgiveness, so that He can do the work and grow them up.
What is God asking you to do today? How can you step out in courage and share His love? We’d love to hear from you!
Much love,
Angel Bentley
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” 1 Peter 3:15