Introducing the COURAGEOUS & KIND Team!
We’re excited to kick start The COURAGEOUS & KIND Project this month! With months of planning, prayers, team work, and God’s guiding light, we’ve put together an awesome team of women who are coming together to tell their stories of God’s great love.
Each gal on our team has an incredible story. She may not always believe or “own” that truth, but it’s real. We believe that incredible stories can be both big and small and we’ll celebrate them all!
We’re working to get past the “almighty and bigger-than-life” features as we’ve found that our biggest courageous and kind moments can be in the most simple and mundane parts of our lives. We’re looking for the faithfully kind stories, the extraordinary in the ordinary, the encouragement amidst the messy, and the truth among the perfected and filtered.
Our ultimate goal is to point you (and us too!) back to Jesus Christ.
When we’re living out our C&K founding verse, Luke 10:27, that’s where we believe we’ll find the most fulfillment in life. With that biblical truth etched in our hearts, we’ll strive to love God and serve others. With that, meet our team dedicated to telling the stories of God’s great love.
The COURAGEOUS & KIND Project Founding Team
Amy Walsh
Amber Bell
Angel Bentley
Julie Brierly
Marlena Copado
Rachel Coney
Nicole Crabtree
Jessica deLinde Dyckman
LJ Pocsi
Alissa Giangregorio
Ilissa Goines
Monica Groark
Lindsay Goldsmith
Julie Harr
Becca Hoyt
Libby Lopez
Jessica Magley
Janelle McCammock
Sydney Murrell
Chelsea Prince
Cris Rappier
Amanda Skawski