All Things New: The Boxing Match

By: Ginger Battles

About a year-and-a-half ago, I entered into this current season where I felt like I was thrown into a boxing ring with absolutely no experience on how to fight. I had two choices: I could let my enemy pummel me to the ground, or I could pick up my gloves, listen to my coach, and start fighting. So, fighting it was!

Round… after round…after round:

  • I have sifted through personal possessions and felt as though I have lived a thousand lifetimes. Some memories felt like they were yesterday and brought a smile to my face, while others shared the dark truth of my early struggles. Those hard areas have been covered by the blood and sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and He reminded me that I no longer need their physical reminders.

  • I have welcomed precious life into this world then turned around and experienced a deep loss.

  • I am unlearning religious and legalistic protocols and relearning the true meaning of grace, mercy, and life.

  • I am seeing what we are REALLY battling against in this life (Ephesians 6:12) and how the enemy is set out to destroy our soul.

  • I am in a place of waiting on His provision while learning to trade worry and fear for trust.  This is SO hard but He IS a good Father.

To be honest, at times, I feel like there is nothing left. I’m utterly exhausted and ready to hand in my boxing gloves.  

But it’s in those desperate moments that He reminds me of the new that is coming and He gives me another sip of Gatorade to  keep on going.

I want to encourage those who may be going through similar seasons right now to stay in the fight. Change or new may seem scary and difficult, but Who better to lead us through this grand transformation than Jesus Christ! Take that sip of Gatorade… the victory round is coming up!

“Behold, I am doing a new thing;  now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)
